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[PipeNet software] Network is under specified in analysis phase
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Posted on 23/01/2023 at 22:25:00

by SuperPiper
Dear friends,

I am an engineer and I work with the software PipeNet. I not an expert of use of it.
When I try to run a calculation I obtain this error

Network is under specified in analysis phase

Does anyone know what this error means?

Posted on 25/01/2023 at 13:27:44

by TheLibrarian
Hello SuperPiper,

I know a little about PIPENET Vision. It seems to me that "Network is under specified" means that there are not enough boundary conditions (specifications) in your network. You need to add more conditions. If there are not enough specifications, the problem cannot be solved.

However, I suggest you to contact the support team of this software if you have other problems in order to get answers from experts. According to their website, their email address is support(at) But check their website. 😉

Posted on 27/01/2023 at 23:17:58

by SuperPiper
Thank you. You were right. When I added specifications, the calculation worked.
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