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Gas properties
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Posted on 08/02/2024 at 13:05:08

by IndiAna
Hello again!

I want to simulate gas in PipeNet but I cannot understand how defining gas properties I want. I can only see air, oxygen etc.
Can you help?

Posted on 09/02/2024 at 00:27:33

by TheLibrarian
Hi IndiAna,

It depends on which module you are using.
Is it Standard module?

Posted on 09/02/2024 at 00:30:52

by IndiAna
Yes, standard.

Posted on 09/02/2024 at 00:36:35

by TheLibrarian
Okay, in that case, there are different ways to define your own gas in PIPENET standard module.

If you go to the fluid options, you can select either "ideal gas" or "Van der Waals gas" and then give all properties of the gas like temperature, critical properties and so on.

You can also use "Advanced fluid". It is very convenient if your gas is a mixture. But it depends if you know all components of your gas. It also depends if all components you need are available in the list of components. Otherwise, it is difficult to use Advanced fluid.

Good luck! 😉

Posted on 09/02/2024 at 00:41:29

by IndiAna
I see. I will try. Thanks.
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